poesia como paisagem



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منابع مشابه

NLP-enhanced Content Filtering Within the POESIA Project

This paper introduces the POESIA internet filtering system, which is open-source, and which combines standard filtering methods, such as positive/negative URL lists, with more advanced techniques, such as image processing and NLP-enhanced text filtering. The description here focusses on components providing textual content filtering for three European languages (English, Italian and Spanish), e...

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Architecture du système POESIA de filtrage de contenu Internet

POESIA est un logiciel libre (sous licence GPL) de filtrage de contenu Internet, pour protéger la jeunesse de contenus inappropriés. Il est multi-canal (Web, SMTP, NNTP...) et multi-modal (texte, image...). Il est bâti autour d’un moniteur, échangeant avec des sources externes, et des filtres dédiés par un protocole spécifique mais extensible. Ces filtres traitent le langage naturel, les images...

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Como as Coisas Rodam

Exerćıcio 1.1. Suponha que f : R → R preserva a distância Euclidiana e fixa a origem. Mostre que: (1) f leva segmentos de recta em segmentos de recta; (2) f(λx) = λf(x) para λ ∈ R e x ∈ R; (3) f leva o ponto médio de um segmento no ponto médio da sua imagem; (4) f(x+ y) = f(x) + f(y) para x,y ∈ R; (5) 〈f(x), f(y)〉 = 〈x,y〉 para x,y ∈ R; (6) f(x) = Sx para x ∈ R, onde S ∈ M3×3 é ortogonal (ou sej...

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El monopolio como espejismo

Advertencia El contenido de este sitio está cubierto por la legislación francesa sobre propiedad intelectual y es propiedad exclusiva del editor. Las obras publicadas en este sitio pueden ser consultadas y reproducidas en soporte de papel o bajo condición de que sean estrictamente reservadas al uso personal, sea éste científico o pedagógico, excluyendo todo uso comercial. La reproducción deberá...

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The CoMo White Paper

CoMo (Continuous Monitoring) is a passive monitoring system. CoMo has been designed to be the basic building block of an open network monitoring infrastructure that would allow researchers and network operators to easily process and share network traffic statistics over multiple sites. This paper identifies the challenges that lie ahead in the deployment of such an open infrastructure. These ma...

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عنوان ژورنال: METAgraphias

سال: 2017

ISSN: 2448-1246

DOI: 10.26512/mgraph.v1i4.381